- Damien Robertson

Description: Professional Page for Damien Robertson

data science (1579) astronomy (1126) astrophysics (161) scientific computing (36)

Example domain paragraphs

Currently a data engineer at Shopify . Before my professional career I was a observational astronomy graduate student studying star formation and AGN.

I earned my M.Sc. from McMaster University in 2014 analyzing giant molecular clouds (nebula) for clues about how stars form and evolve. The above image is one such cloud in Perseus about 30 light years across, each bright point is a baby star still forming. In 2012 I earned my B.Sc. from Saint Mary's University using high energy observations to probe the active supermassive black holes that anchor galaxies.

I've done heaps of other cool stuff like working at the world's largest cyclotron , creating an accurate 3D simulation of the Solar System evolving, and giving public lectures at the W.J. McCallion Planetarium to name a few.