- A*starz Keeshonden & Pomeranians

Description: All about keeshond dogs. Keeshond lifestyle coordinators. Health, nutrition, modern natural rearing. Help, advice and referrals. Kees videos and images on this site.

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For puppy information & kees available across the country, Click Here.

We had always loved poms, but it wasn't until unfortunate circumstances that we actually added one to our home. It was in 2006 when we inherited "LaLa" from my friend (Chris Schaeffer-Blair) who was dying of bone cancer. Lala passed away in 2012. In 2007, we added "Jazzy" who is our first owner/handled AKC Champion Pom. We currently have a daughter of Jazzy's, "Fiona", who, in Fall 2015 is our first breeder/owner/handled Pom AKC Champion. If you are interested in obtaining a pomeranian as a companion or sho

Follow our latest news from the conformation show ring, agility, rally, flyball. Many of our kees are in great homes where their people do action sports with them. Some are content to be wonderful companions and travel with their people. Most of all, our kees are loved in their homes. Click Here