- Asia Video Summit – #AVS2024

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The Asia Video Summit is the flagship conference held by the Asia Video Industry Association each year. After several years away, we are delighted to be returning to Hong Kong. Hong Kong remains a key media marketplace and provides a unique perspective on the industry – closer to the disparate trends of greater China, closer to Northeast Asia, and still interested in developments in South and Southeast Asia.

We pride ourselves on debate and discussion. This is not a conference where we speak at you, it is a conference where we come together and ask the questions that are on everyone’s minds. We represent so many different ecosystems within the video industry and we bring them all together for this event – TV & streaming; FTA & Pay; Advertising & Affiliate; Telco & Technology, Policy & Piracy; Content & Creators.

The goal of the Asia Video Summit is to look at the big issues that are shaping the development of the video industry. Each year we try to identify the key themes that can tell the story of what is happening across the region.

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