- Polyacrylamide (PAM) manufacturer,Flocculant supplier,cationic polyacrylamide plant-Asiafloc

Description: Over the past 16 years, asiafloc is a Polyacrylamide (PAM) manufacturer,a full range of product series have been completed,including cationic polyacrylamide,anionic polyacrylamide,nonionic polyacrylamide,amphoteric polyacrylamide total over 200 different models.

china (5105) supplier (5027) manufacturer (4248) polyacrylamide (24) flocculant (10) cationic polyacrylamide (7) anionic polyacrylamide (7) nonionic polyacrylamide (2)

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Specialized in serving the oil and gas,water treatment,mineral processing,construction bored piling application areas.

ASIAFLOC’s headquarter is located in the city of Qingdao, Shandong province, China. Due to our strong focus on Research and Development (R&D), ASIAFLOC has become one of the largest PAM producers in China. Our company is committed to providing the customers the most valuable productions and services!

ASIAFLOC is nationally recognized in China as being a high-tech company that provides high quality products and competitive pricing. Over the past 16 years , we have focused our efforts on improving our products through R&D,a full range of product series have been completed,including cationic polyacrylamide ,anionic polyacrylamide ,nonionic polyacrylamide,amphoteric polyacrylamide total over 200 different models.

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