- APRN – ASEAN PR Network

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W ith the obje c ti v e t o champion c onne c tivi t y , f r iendship and mutual understanding among ASEAN member c ou n t r ie s , gaining s k ills and st r ength f r om one another PR best p r a c ti c es ; ASEAN P ublic R el a tions Ne t w o r k will c ondu c t r egular a c tivities th a t benefit the PR socie t y in gene r al especially its member s .

The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Management will launch another milestone on this new month of APRIL 2021, Global Alliance has dedicated the month of April 2021 for the second virtual ‘Education & Training Month’ as Global Alliance’s continuous support for the profession worldwide. With many PR professionals and academics finding themselves having to limit their mobility and access during the pandemic, there has never been a better time to undertake some self-improvement.

Representing over 300,000 practitioners and academics around the world, Global Alliance is inviting all our members from six continents to contribute to this program. We proudly announce that Global Alliance will deliver an insightful and compelling program of over 60 sessions of Online Webinars and video-on-demand, accessible and free to all its members, hosted by public relations and communications experts from around the world.

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