- A Scunner Darkly | Scunner – Scots word meaning disappointed, fed up, world-weary, or a scoundrel.

Description: Scunner - Scots word meaning disappointed, fed up, world-weary, or a scoundrel.

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This post is part of the Muppet Guest Star Blogathon hosted by Gill at RealWeegieMidget and Rebecca at Taking Up Room. Cheryl Ladd guested on episode 3:24 of The Muppet Show Tonight performing a trio of musical numbers. Oddly her starring role in Charlie’s Angels isn’t mentioned despite both shows sharing a home with ABC. Maybe it was Ladd’s choice given she had an album out to promote at the time, though her duet with Miss Piggy I Enjoy Being a Girl does at least give her a chance to practise some 1970s’ k

The season 4 line-up now comprised of the only remaining original Angel Jaclyn Smith, newcomer Shelley Hack, and Ladd, though former star Farrah Fawcett would guest star in two episodes. Charlie’s Angels had a decent stable of directors on their roster including Allen Baron (Blast of Silence) and Curtis Harrington (Night Tide, The Killing Kind). Guys who had made some interesting movies back in the day but now worked mainly directing episodic television. Harrigan’s Angel is helmed by Don Chaffey, best known

The warehouse is owned by an electronics firm run by George Starrett (Ed Nelson) who approaches the Townsend Detective Agency for help, despite already having another private investigator working the case. Harrigan (Howard Duff) is a shambles. Arriving late, dishevelled, clearly hungover, and with a story about his car getting stolen, Harrigan mumbles his way through the introductions. “You mean I have to work with girls?” He also sticks his nose into Starrett’s glass and guesses the brand of whiskey AND th

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