- Ascension Dowsing | Clear Your Home

Description: Ascension dowsing is the practice we have created to clear negative influences in your home and environment and to set a stage for you to be

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Our dowsing method recognizes that we are all human beings on a spiritual journey. The spiritual journey of our life is Ascension. Ascension is a conscious and focused practice of raising our consciousness. This occurs through clearing all the karma we have created and accrued throughout all of our lifetimes. Karma is stored in our seven main chakras. As we clear karma, our light and frequency in the chakras increase and we also experience a rising consciousness. This is our human destiny. It is and always

We have been practicing the art of dowsing since 2013 when we became certified dowsers. As we have evolved on our own spiritual journeys, our Higher Selves have guided us to create a unique and refined method of dowsing, using sacred geometry and intention to create sacred space.  Ascension Dowsing is elegant and simple, yet creates profound changes for the better in one’s environment.

Dowsing is the ancient art of finding ‘hidden things’. These things can create health or other issues that otherwise do not have a simple explanation. Through dowsing, we can clear these issues and raise the energy level of your living space. We also do our part to help Mother Earth as we are able to clear the negative energies and entities on the land. We are connecting to the crystalline grid around the earth.

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