- Arkadiy Saakyan

Example domain paragraphs

Hi! Thanks for visiting my page. Last updated May 26, 2023. I am a first-year PhD Student in Computer Science at Columbia University . I focus on NLP and am advised by Prof. Smaranda Muresan . Boradly, my research focuses on creating language models that are helpful to humans : How can we utilize human-AI collaboration to build high-quality, challenging datasets? [1,2,5] How can we teach the models not only to predict the labels, but also to explain their answer? [2,5] How can we ensure language models corr

Pictures of the cutest cat in the world (according to me).

Hi! Thanks for visiting my page. Last updated Oct 9, 2023. I am a second-year PhD Student in Computer Science at Columbia University . I focus on NLP and am advised by Prof. Smaranda Muresan . Broadly, my research focuses on explainability, human-AI and expert-AI collaboration: How can we utilize human-AI collaboration and expert feedback to improve AI models? [1,4,5,8] How can we teach the models not only to predict the labels, but also to explain their answer? [1,5,8] How can we use language models to ass

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