- Artisans Label - A Resource For All Musicians

Description: ArtiSans Label's website is an ever-growing collection of tried and true career know-how for musicians.

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Ray Dalio is a self-made billionaire hedge fund manager. He’s also a very intelligent hyperrealist who is expending great effort to pass along his principles for success. They’re incredibly insightful and infinitely powerful, and can be applied to any industry, mission, or life. How many times have you dreamed of a better future as a musician? Infuse Ray’s 8 principles into those dreams, and you’ll feel the turbo boost engage....

This is Jeff Bezos’s Ultimate Advice for Young People. Now the richest men alive. In this video Jeff Bezos talks about the advice he would give to young people as they embarked on their path for their future career.

Getting music featured in a popular indie blog is one of the best ways for independent artists to gain credibility in the music industry at the outset of their careers. The best music blogs to submit to are usually dependent on the genre of the music, but there are a few indie influencers that have done more than pull their weight when it comes to championing all kinds of indie...

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