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Description: 足球压球软件app的使命是“寻求神圣的智慧,激发创新思维和建立永恒的关系.足球压球软件app的目标是用思考的工具武装我们的学生,卓越,以及足球压球软件app对以价值观为基础的私立基督教高中的信仰,每个学生都是足球压球软件app大家庭的一员.

足球压球软件app (13)

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As per Governor Inslee\u2019s request, 奥本复临安息日会学院 will remain closed for the remainder of the school year. Teachers have already transitioned their curriculum to Google Classroom and students will be expected to log in to Google Classroom to complete assignments and assessments as directed by their teacher. COVID-19 is a fluid situation, and we appreciate your consideration and understanding as decisions are made that may require further actions. We love our students at 奥本复临安息日会学院 and desire the best for ou

-Mr. Fackenthall

足球压球软件app (AAA)为各种信仰的学生提供了一个真正的基督教氛围, 广泛多样的学术经历, 在保险柜里, 友好的, 以及接受环境. 有近7900名毕业生,这是1919年以来正在形成的一项遗产.

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