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Poker has been around since the Old West days of Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp, and today is one of the most popular card games in the world. While many people play the game for fun, others use it to build up their bankroll and eventually start playing in major tournaments. And now there’s even scientific research that says that poker can help you develop specific cognitive skills.

As a player, you’re going to spend most of your time evaluating other players and reading tells. You’ll also be assessing your own hand against the other players at the table, determining how much of a chance you have of making a particular hand. This type of thinking is crucial for determining what you should be betting on and what kind of hands you should call or raise with.

This isn’t just important in poker but in any situation where you must make a decision under uncertainty. In fact, estimating probabilities is a vital skill in all sorts of areas – from finance to science and more. And thankfully, poker is an excellent way to practice this type of thinking.