- Travelling Write - a novel experience : Australian writing on locationTravelling Write – a novel experience | Australian writing

Description: Australian writing on location

Example domain paragraphs

For decades it had been my experience that General Practitioners at the Medical Clinic I attended were too busy to be bothered with whatever ailment I might have had. The Clinic in question became progressively uninviting over the years – to the point where in 2019 I tried the relatively new Medical Centre five minutes walk away at the end of my street.

The GP to whom I was assigned conducted a thorough set of tests, asked numerous questions, tapped data into her keyboard and generally behaved as if she took the job seriously. After a series of blood tests and prescription variations she informed me that I was good to go for twelve months and would need nothing more than to adhere to the prescribed dose of the pills that I’ve taken for more than fifty years.

Generally fit and healthy, I had been tempted to ask if there was anything that might be done about the annoying sensation of fluid in my right ear canal. The drops prescribed by various GPs over the years had invariably failed to alleviate the problem.