- Arkham Development

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Antiryad Gx is an unified cross platform and multi core 2d and 3d game engine. In development since 1992, Antiryad Gx today rivals and even surpasses many commercial game engines in feature set, optimization and stability.

The Gel language is a fast high level object programming language. It was originaly developed for the Antiryad Gx 3d game engine. GScript is a translation language able to generate code for C, C#, Java and Python programming languages.

This new major version was released publicly. This version add new r3d low level hardware render API, replacing old render3d API. A new VCPU virtual machine was added, separated from Gel language. Lots of other enhancements was done in video codecs, GScript, Grapheditor, file and network systems, and enhanced 64 bits support.