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"Life Among the Gorillas": With Victoria in Germany, Ted faces the pitfalls of long-distance relationships. Meanwhile, Ted tries to help Barney pick a suit for the wedding. He said he brought the bottle while hunting with some friends. We get along so great and I have very strong feelings for him. "Last Forever, Part 1" Ted's fateful meeting with The Mother brings him back to New York, and over the years their relationship develops. "The Slutty Pumpkin Returns": Ted finally finds The Slutty Pumpkin, but thi

The Bible Code spent many weeks on the bestseller lists, spawning several sequels and dozens of imitators. No other single work of literature has influenced Modern English more than the translation of the Holy Bible published in 1611 under the auspices of King James I. Then I learned Z80 assembly. "The Best Man": Ted and Barney, at Barney's future wedding, think back to when Ted was the best man at Punchy's wedding, which they describe as "the worst wedding ever". The greatest Easter egg hunt in the history

The possibility of being The One. That didn't work more than a few times so I would intentionally make myself sick. A few, more observant, note that the Bible happens to be opened to a page in the Old Testament: the Book of Psalms, chapter 46. "We're Not from Here": Seeing how girls swoon over Gael's foreign charm, Ted and Barney decide to pose as out-of-towners in order to score chicks. "Return of the Shirt": Ted reconnects with an old flame and soon remembers why he dumped her in the first place. It was a

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