- Aria by Mateko - Mateko

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Aria is a Hybrid Air Purifier that detects and eliminates 99% of all indoor air pollutants while blending in the zen of your home. Inspired by NASA’s report about the natural power of plant’s roots and by our own knowledge we developed exclusive hybrid technology for air purification. Patent pending.

Aria combines the classic mechanical air purifier technology with the use of plant’s phytoremediation properties which eliminate contaminants in soils, water, or air. Aria uses this natural power to eliminate indoor air pollution. A special zeolite substrate soil is used that has the ability to trap nitrogen impurities which expels viruses, odors and bacteria.

Classic air purifier technology Aria utilizes is the UV light, HEPA activated carbon filter, and ion generator which are proven to be effective for removing air pollutants. Aria improves it further and increases the CADR (clean air delivery rate) with the use of Mateko’s air booster which utilizes a turbine to provide higher air movement into the unit in a more efficient and cost saving manner.