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Aquatic Biofield Alignment (Aquatic BA) is a powerful process to effectively transform emotional patterns, release past hurt and clear energetic blockages for greater harmony and ease. With Aquatic BA, I offer my healing arts practice with Water Wellness integrated with other transformative methods for more health, restoration of our nervous system and vitality on all levels of our being.  Are you struggling with recurring family issues, anxiety, past trauma, stress, physical health, self criticism or other

As human beings with a sensitive Biofield we are in constant attunement and interaction with our living environment. Due to emotional hurt and childhood experiences we can feel disconnected not just from our surroundings, but even from ourselves.  As we go through the changing waves of life, we can start to feel numb, lethargic or hyperactive. Aquatic BA can support you to transform stuck beliefs, increase your vital energy and release emotional stressors such as past grievances, childhood trauma, fear, gui

In the near future, I envision to use part of Aquatic BA for what I call ‘Planetary Biofield Alignment’ with individuals, communities or organizations working with natural bioregions, cities, land or water based initiatives – partly inspired by Geomancy and Feng Shui.