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The Backwater Paddle Company’s Assassin Paddle is Everything I’ve never had in a paddle. What’s the worst thing that could happen when your 3 miles from your boat ramp, kayaking through shallow water, large chunk rock or thick mud and need to push yourself through using your paddle. A broken paddle can put you in some very difficult and dangerous situations.  Well, we have finally found have a paddle that you can shove into and push off just about anything you could encounter, and have full confidence in th

The new Backwater Paddle Company’s assassin paddle is everything skinny water fisherman and adventure kayakers and kayak fisherman have been wanting since most of us started using there already established Assault Hand Paddle. Coming in at an adjustable 230-240cm, and 250cm-260cm sizes it can properly and effectively accommodate most kayakers needs for a durable and tough paddle on the water. The 10cm adjustment capability allows for user adjustments for the perfect fit, and the carbon fiber shaft makes sur

Whether you’re a backwater fisherman, skinny water explorer or just a weekend paddler one fact is obvious.  The Assassin Paddle is the paddle to get you to a spot no other paddle can, and get you back to the ramp without the fear of breaking your paddle. Good Luck out there and stay safe!