apollotaxhelp.com - Prodigy Tax Help

Description: IRS Back Tax Help. File Tax Returns. IRS Representation. Audit Help. Tax Preparation Vero Beach. Reduce and Resolve back tax issues Fast Service 7722267511

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Are you tired of talking to sales guys pretending to be tax specialists or abatement supervisors? Ever feel like the tax professional you are speaking to is only trained to do one thing – tell you to grab their paperwork and your checkbook? Looking for something different – actual help from actual professionals? Contact us today for a free tax consultation!

Your tax consultation doesn’t just end with your first call to one of our specialists, as we have an entire team of Enrolled Agents and Licensed Tax Professionals ready and willing to stand by you. What’s more important is the fact that our entire tax resolution team has a proven track record of results in helping people just like you, in the same situation and in the same state of mind – you are not alone. By getting a tax consultation with Prodigy Financial Services Group you’ll receive the numerous benef

This is where we come in! We help you fight back with YOUR interests in mind. Our team are experts on the tax code/laws and help make sure that Uncle Sam is not taking what’s not theirs. We get you set up on a plan that will help you resolve your tax debt on your terms – Not the IRS’s. We are also experts in finding ways to bring down your tax debt and many times even eliminating it! The government is too big and their in house collection agency plays by their own rules. We are here to help. We have helped