apiui.org - apiUi

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apiUi is free software to virtualize and test SOAP and REST api services. It works with HTTP(s) but also with STOMP which means it can also be used with JMS and KAFKA . It is the only free API virtualization tool that uses formal contracts like WSDL , OpenApi and Cobol Copy Books to present a GUI with a form to edit the entire message. This allows end users to focus on functionality rather than language or technique, there is no need to know XML or JSON. When mocking, apiUi uses contract information to matc

The product comes with two executables, namely apiUi and apiUiServer. The difference between these executables is that apiUi has a graphical user interface (GUI) and apiUiServer has a command line interface (CLI).

apiUi offers developers/testers an integrated development environment (IDE) that has a very fast graphical user interface which has all the functionality needed to test api's. And because it is a fully functioning virtualization tool this is also the tool to debug your virtual services. the apiUi GUI, upper part is the design area, lower part shows logging