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I was having an online chat to my horror writer buddy Daniel I Russell about an interesting concept he came up with in his work. What if, in addition to the traditional old school demons of biblical lore, the modern world spawned an entire new set of demons to provide modern day temptations?

Dan has created a couple. There the porn demon, of course, who lives inside a Japanese schoolgirl (of course). He got his first outing in Dan’s story, ‘The Love Revolution’, which you can find in his collection, Tricks, Mischief and Mayhem. https://www.amazon.com/Tricks-Mischief-Mayhem-Daniel-Russell/dp/099217077X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519653047&sr=1-1&keywords=tricks+mischief+and+mayhem

Then there’s the aptly named Television, who lives inside the trash tv mogul Simon Coop (ahem). On the exterior, Coop is tanned, groomed, all trendy clothes and shiny teeth. But on the inside he is the epitome of trash/reality tv and mayhap its viewers – corpulent, lazy and bloated. Sprawled on their couches, televisions rusted onto brain dead reality shit, stuffing their fat faces with junk. And this was written before Goggle Box was a thing, Dan is keen to point out.