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As you continue to post and share your snaps and videos on snapchat, the worst can happen if you post a wrong snap or video that is likely to cause friction with your followers. Though the main goal of posting contents on this platform is to get many snapchat views , in such cases it is a disadvantage. What is the best solution to prevent viral views emanating from sent videos and snaps? Since its impossible to delete the content that someone has seen, you can try and cut the spreading.

The only option is deleting your account to prevent more snapchat views . This is because once seen by one person; all undoing will be in vain. Proceed to terminating the account as soon as you can. Visit the snapchat online support page and use navigational options on the left to find the deletion page. Go to learn basics option; account settings then delete account option. You will need to log into your account using your password and username. On login in, click on the delete option once you ready. Keep

With several vendors available to buy SoundCloud followers from, there are factors to consider when looking for one. They are many companies in this business hence a wide range to choose from. Though they are many in number, caution should be taken not to fall for one that will mess up with your account. That is why you should take time as you seek such services to build your profile account. Consider these two tips;