- Anthony Animba - Digital Designer and Full-Stack Developer

Description: I'm a freelance designer and developer currently based in London.

designer (14199) developer (8620) anthony animba (2)

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anthony animba web designer anthony animba designer + developer ldn | contact available now - available now - available now - available now - Archvizual Design + Code Pak NFT Archive Design + Code Travel Blog Design + Code Carhartt Clone Code Mediasoft Clone Code Archvizual Design + Code open site Pak NFT Archive Design + Code in development Travel Blog Design + Code in development Carhartt Clone Code open site Mediasoft Clone Code open site Archvizual launch site Archvizual A site redesign for the successf

I developed the designs using Gatsby.js, a Javascript framework for creating fast, static websites and deployed it to Netlify’s cloud hosting service. Overall, the design and development for this project took just under a week.

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