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On August 20, 2021, just prior to the 29° Leo Full Moon on the 22nd, which happened to conjunct North Node and Chiron in my astrological chart (born 12/19/1942, 8:02 AM CWT, San Antonio, Texas), I decided to migrate to this new site. Exopermaculture itself, which I began in January 2011 and contains many thousands of posts, will remain as an Archive. 

This site is a record of one conscious old woman’s lived experiences during the “end times” of what we once considered “normal.” More and more, I and others are recognizing my work on this blog as a legacy of our attempts to thread our way through the “slings and arrows” of extended chaotic conditions that precede cultural rebirth. And to do so with full heart, expanded awareness, and depth of soul.

I salute you, as one SOVEREIGN SOUL to another!

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