- Annie's Home Page

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Hi, this is my personal web site where I keep some little bits of information and memories of past times, fun times and other stuff that either amuses or delights me. Shoes delight me. Bender from Futurama amuses me , as do Stewie and Brian from Family Guy ). My favorite television shows lately are: Mad Men , 30 Rock , The Office , The Colbert Report , and Two and a Half Men .

SCUBA diving and my dive buddies delight me endlessly and are such fun to be with/around. I've made some good friends from my underwater travel adventures, and I'm always looking forward to the next trip. I also love traveling even if there isn't water involved in the majority of the trip. Visiting new places and experiencing new and different cultures has enriched my life in numerous ways, and all mostly in a positive manner (the world citizens guide is a good primer (or refresher) for manners when traveli

Below are links to other of my pages that show some of my pictures, memories and friends. Enjoy your visit. /annie