- Annebelle Says

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Someone asked me why my tone in my blog is always sarcastic, haha, I am pleased to say this one will be angry, it’s a change right? Am I an angry person? No, in fact I am a sweet harmless doll lol and I do not believe in violence except maybe when it comes to rapists and abusers, I will definitely throw the first punch. My friends are probably shaking their heads here, that one time in Rwanda was necessary ata nyinyi mnajua. So anyway, I started the new year with violence I blessed a fellow with a hand care

See what happened was, someone’s son groped me. Full-on grabbed my ass in front of other people to see, without much thought, with a level of audacity that I will never understand. What makes them think they own our bodies like that? He was not even afraid of my two friends standing next to me. Sadly this guy was not the first to grope me and might sadly not be the last. The thing is, people are not as angry about rape culture as they should be. Have you seen the threads on Twitter? Personal stories we know

Every day I think about it as the day I will be assaulted, harassed, catcalled, groped, or insulted just because of existing as a female. I bet you money that girls think of what they will wear depending on whether they will be in town or the market or school, scratch that, in public. Oh, wait! At home too, we are told to cover up, and wear bras because of the male gaze? Because our bodies are too tempting for them to control themselves? They ask why was she drunk? Why was she alone? “Apparently she loves s