- Freelance Copywriter & Editor | Anna-Marie Casas | Essex

Description: Anna-Marie Casas is a journalist (NCTJ), content and copywriter, editor and proofreader delivering to publications, businesses and marketing/PR teams.

Example domain paragraphs

Maybe you don't know where to start or you simply can't put aside the time it needs. After all, you have your day job to do.

Perhaps you've pulled together a first draft, but it's not the slick read you envisioned. The structure, flow and choice of words are just not hitting the spot.

Or maybe you've ploughed through and written a great piece, but want an experienced pair of eyes to give it the once-over. A final polish to ensure there are no silly typos or a tweak, here and there, to make sure your copy's positively shining before you push the print button.