- Anmol Panda's portfolio

Example domain paragraphs

My primary research and professional objective is to use quantitative research methods to study political interactions on digital media platforms. I use a diverse array of data sources - political tweets, news media stories, results from nationally representative surveys, among others. Primarily, my current work focuses on developing a conceptual model that represents major factors that influence attitudes of Asian Americans on racialized policy issues. I have relied on prior work to build this model of fac

In our projects, I apply statistical techniques, machine learning tools and other data science methods. I am proficient in Python programming, statistics in R, and I am currently learning Stata.

Extreme Speech in Indian politics. Using the affordances theory, we analysed the differing consequneces of using 'extreme' speech for politicians and regualr citizens in India. We annotatted 469 hashtags used by a random sample of 997 Indian politicians as extreme and controversial, based on definitions from prior literature . We find that use of extreme hashtags gave a gain of upto 23 percent in retweets earned by politicians and led to no legal action. We juxtapose this with the prosecution and extra-judi