- SmartTechLabs

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Example domain paragraphs

We provide the complete service range starting with the analysis of (your) planned system infrastructure, implementing the initla PoCs and MVPs up to deploying the final production ready system. Solutions based on Spring Boot, Quarkus for JVM/GraalVM or NestJS. Scalable, modular Systems based on Docker and Kubernetes. Services around the ecosystems of Kafka and Pulsar. System Architecture and Connectivity for constrained/edge systems. Specific analysis and consulting for restricted device environments. Thin

We can help starting your product journey. From moderating the initial kickoff/brainstorming meetings to UI/UX analysis down the road. From wireframes and PoCs to production. Browser based apps (Ionic) or native Android Machine/Deep Learning We can help you to analyze your ongoing and newly planned technical processes and adapt suitable ML/DL technologies to your needs. From TinyML to Tensorflow/Keras and PyTorch. Running locally, in the cloud or hybrid.

We design, build, optimize and integrate voice enabled dialogs into your existing UX. Voice dialogs based on cloud and/or edge solutions. Including open source solutions like RASA, Spacy, NLTK and others. From BERT to GPT