- Anarie Brady | BDSM stories -Mature content! 18+ Only

Description: I’m a published writer with DCL and TEB. I'm also entering the large and somewhat frightening world of self-pub! Generally, I write hot, hot BDSM erotica with shades of Domestic Discipline incorporated. If any of this offends, please read no further. OBVIOUSLY, this blog and my writing is for mature readers only! Parents - if your child reads…

Example domain paragraphs

I’m a published writer with  DCL  and  TEB . I’m also entering the large and somewhat frightening world of self-pub! Generally, I write hot, hot BDSM erotica with shades of Domestic Discipline incorporated. If any of this offends, please read no further. OBVIOUSLY, this blog and my writing is for mature readers only! Parents – if your child reads my work, I assume it is with your knowledge!

Legal stuff:  All fictional stories are just that – fiction. They absolutely do not represent any other person, place, or event which is known to me. Okay, maybe some places in general, but nothing specific. all fictional stories and characters are but figments of my somewhat twisted imagination.

My FICTIONAL stories will be on the BLOG tab and my personal opinions will be on the – go figure – BLOG-PERSONAL OPIONION tab.   Feel free to comment on either, just keep it nice. Any negativity will not be published and/or deleted.

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