- Health and Disease

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In recent times, laser whitening has become the preferred method of bleaching teeth. During the procedure, a laser light is applied in cycles in order to activate the whitening solution that the dentist had applied previously. The teeth can be whitened by up to 10 shades using this type of cosmetic dentistry , according to dentists.

There are many people who are not sure if their issues can be resolved with the help of cosmetic dentistry or whether they should stick with at-home techniques. Depending on the cause of your problem, your teeth's precise shade, and the type of intervention best suited to your needs, a dental expert can help you. Read More

Almost nothing we eat would be possible without saliva. Salvia is responsible for chewing, swallowing, and digestion of food. As a result of saliva, anything between teeth that is stuck will dissolve over time. Saliva prevents our teeth from decaying easily and quickly, and gum disease is almost a certainty without it. To keep your mouth healthy, practice the following habits: - Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day, after every meal, and right before you go to bed. - Flossing daily is important. - Fluo