- Amy Bradshaw | Visual Artist & Teacher

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Amy Bradshaw is an educator and artist residing in the Okanagan Valley, BC. With a BFA from Emily Carr (Vancouver) and many years of exploring different mediums and materials, she has happily found her way to fibre arts as both a practicing artist and instructor. Amy’s inherent understanding and usage of colour through both realistic and abstract imagery allows a real life fluidity to appear in her work, echoing her first-hand curiosity of the natural world. Florals, animals, and large colourful abstracts c

In addition to her own practice and teaching, Amy is a member of the Art Felt Collaborative – with four other artists, creating installations for galleries.

Amy’s work has been included in exhibitions in both private and public galleries around the Okanagan Valley, and her felt art can be found in Kelowna shops and at seasonal shows. Her distinctive, colourful, and fun fibre art is sought after by both individual collectors and galleries. View / Download CV