- AMMAN-TRY - Largest TMT Bar Manufacturers in Tamil Nadu, India

Description: AMMAN-TRY is the largest TMT steel bars manufacturer in Tamilnadu, India and the company provides quality Fe-500D TMT bars, CRS TMT bars, Steel Rods for all your construction needs.

tmt bars (32) steel company (14) tmt bar manufacturer (4) amman try (1)

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Write to us. We will give the best for you.

AMMAN Steel Group started in 1978, has made a remarkable progress over the past 44 years and it is now the leading steel producer in South India. A group of Company, AMMAN Steel Group was initially a raw material supplier and a trade organization, which soon expanded into the biggest integrated steel plant with embedded quality concept in the private sector. AMMAN-TRY TMT Bars are the AMMAN Steel Group’s Trade Mark and most popular brand in South India.