- - Blog d'une Américaine en Provence | American Blog in Provence

Description: To begin, let's square away a few questions: Who am I ? My name is Molly. As the title indicates, I'm an American living in Provence, a region of the south of France, near Avignon to be precise. I've lived in France for three years, and plan to stay here indefinitely. I love wildflowers, poetry, … Lire la suite »

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To begin, let’s square away a few questions: Who am I ? My name is Molly. As the title indicates, I’m an American living in Provence, a region of the south of France, near Avignon to be precise. I’ve lived in France for three years, and plan to stay here indefinitely. I love wildflowers, poetry, wearing mixed patterns, and the sea, amongst many other things.

What am I doing here? In France? Digging my heels into my francophilia and putting my French degree to use. On this blog? Trying to sketch out the intersections of the different worlds I’ve lived in. An American living in France is nothing novel, so I’m not here to talk about what life in France is like. Rather, I’ll be exploring the independent and simultaneous movement of different people and ideas all within a place and culture that I’ve come to learn and love. France is a country famous for its traditio

When asked about living in France, the conversation often turns quickly to food. And why shouldn’t it? In a country with a robust culinary tradition, food is not just a form of sustenance or a series of cultural norms–it’s an entire social philosophy, built around notions of connecting with others. France has long championed this food culture: on average, the French clock over 2 hours each day eating or drinking, double that of the United States. Then there’s the seven-plus course holiday feasts, a gustator