- Alzheimer's Clinics - Transcranial Pulse Stimulation Clinic

Description: NeuroPulse TPS A Drug-Free Interventionfor Alzheimer’s Dementia GET IN TOUCH A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease brings many challenges – both for those with the disease and for their family members. Despite the

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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease brings many challenges – both for those with the disease and for their family members. Despite the best efforts of medical science, Alzheimer’s disease remains incurable.

However, particularly in recent years, progress has been made in the fight against this condition and it’s associated symptoms. There are new Alzheimer’s medications and therapies used today aimed at promoting the patient’s mental faculties and preserving these capabilities for as long as possible, thus improving their overall quality of life and ability to function independently.

NeuroPulse™ TPS® (or Transcranial Pulse Stimulation ) is a new breakthrough intervention for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. It is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy shown in studies to initially enhance and potentially mitigate the degeneration of cognitive ability in certain individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. It will not interfere with any medications you are taking if so.

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