- Termoizolační nátěr pro tepelnou izolaci | ALPHA CZECH

Description: Termoizolační nátěr ALPHA, který funguje jako nátěr proti plísni a řeší vlhkost zdiva. Zároveň nátěr slouží jako izolace domu a vyřeší sanaci vlhkého zdiva.

environmentally friendly (319) ekologie (135) úspora energií (13) revoluční reflexně termoizolační barva (3) ekologická šetrnost (3) reflective insulating coatings (1) prevents condensation (1) protects health (1) saves energy consumption (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We are a manufacturing company engaged in the production of  reflective insulating coatings THRcoating and ABAMAL , for industry, construction and household.

We are a purely Czech company engaged in the production and development of reflective insulating coatings THRcoating ALPHA and ABAMAL. The thermal conductivity of reflective insulating coatings is forty times lower than that of insulation materials based on molten minerals. They are applied to any surface by brush, roller or airless device. The coatings are segmented into industrial, construction and domestic.

In industry , coatings can be applied without downtime up to +220 °C. It protects workers from burns, while a thin layer of coating can replace several tens of centimetres of conventional insulation.

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