- Alphabet Salad - eclectic assortment of rants and ramblings

Description: eclectic assortment of rants and ramblings

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W ell, I’ve been back from my vacation of a lifetime for a couple of weeks now, and though I desperately miss Italy and all the fun I had, it’s good to be back to a life of tangling ! I’d briefly forgotten how wonderful it can be to lose oneself for hours in [continue reading…]

J une is here, and I am back in Windsor after an absolutely marvelous three-week vacation in Italy. While I didn’t have time to do a whole lot of tangling while I was away, I do have a few goodies to share with you since my previous Tangled T-Day post. [continue reading…]

I participated in the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge for May, but did so a little differently this month. Since I was traveling in Italy and Paris for three weeks ( more on that in future posts! ), I decided that my photos for all of the prompts would be [continue reading…]

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