- alpina and cisalpina genetic geography of haplogroup K (mtDNA) and R1b (yDNA) for indigenous alpenlanders and mailanders by the

Description: alpina cisalpina lombardia lumbard history geography of genetic haplogroup K (mtDNA) and haplogroup R1b (yDNA) by aboriginals alike indigenous peoples and families living on Alpenland and Altaitalia Hinterland (AAH) from Luni stones on Ligurian sea to Rhone river delta to Rhine gates to Danube springs to Drava river and Po valley down to Adriatic seashores and islands by the Romance Language in ancient and modern times

milano (2367) lombardia (508) alpina (222) lumbard (50) alpenland (31) lumbardia (27) cisalpina (23) cisalpini (23) alpenlander (23) mailander (23)

Example domain paragraphs

haplogroup K (mtDNA) and R1b (yDNA) on Alpenland and Altaitalia Hinterland (AAH) being an all-cisalpine hinterland ancient genetic root of the indigenous alpine montagnards and cisalpine peoples all-aboriginals here ( page established February 13th 2008 - revised August 6th 2012 - links upated on april 3rd 2014 for isogg and mitomap databases ) www. alpenlander . eu and www. similaun . eu provisional homepage our emails updated on 19 november 2016 this page updated on 5 april 2017

the Alpenland and Altaitalia Hinterland (AAH) being an all-cisalpina hinterland is home for all indigenous alpine montagnards and aboriginals cisalpine peoples (the Liguri, Laepontini, Rhaeti, Carni, Histri, Veneti etc. as ancient Roman explorers called them all) linking their ancient roots deep beyond the so-called "prehistoric Rhaetic horizon" deep into origins of haplogroup K (mtDNA) and R1b (yDNA) as well .....and dating beyond the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) well before 30.000 years ago (50/60.000 by ha

all aboriginals only..... since the origin of this (our) ancestral territory and now by the romance language overall