- ally's wavelengths – changing wavelengths in the visible spectrum and the sea

Description: changing wavelengths in the visible spectrum and the sea

Example domain paragraphs

To assess a reef’s health status, marine ecologists calculate the area of a reef covered in live coral. Live coral coverage can be interpreted with remote sensing data to create habitat maps of seabed ecosystems. Policymakers, conservationists, and marine scientists frequently use these maps, yet the production of benthic cover classifications of the Pacific Ocean’s corals remains scarce. The objective of this study is to conduct an accuracy assessment of widely used remote sensing data products for the sha

A mosaic of the brightest yellows, deepest purples, and speckles of blue covered the seafloor. This vivid memory of the first time I saw Guam’s coral reefs in my childhood has stayed with me through my studies at Columbia University and motivated my pursuit to learn as much as I can about our marine environment. There is an entire world to explore under the water; while the ocean spans more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface, over 80 percent of our ocean remains unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored [4]. We