- All Male, All Nude - The critically acclaimed documentary films uncovering the world of male stripping at Atlanta's gay strip cl

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Videos 14 Total $7.99 Rent All Male, All Nude: JOHNSONS & All Male, All Nude. The All Male, All Nude films are unprecedented expeditions into an electrifying world.

Award winning filmmaker, Gerald McCullouch, dives into the world of male stripping with the initial documentary feature film PARADE MAGAZINE named as one of the 25 steamiest movies along with an exclusive X-rated cut of All Male, All Nude: JOHNSONS, the acclaimed follow up to the globally popular first film.

Take an uncensored journey behind the scenes and witness the men behind the strippers and the unique family units this lifestyle has formed along with the man at the epicenter of it all, Matt Colunga, who appears in both All Male, All Nude films.