- Allison Lewis

Description: A Communicative, Comprehension-Based Approach to Teaching Adult ESL

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A Communicative, Comprehension-Based Approach to Teaching Adult ESL

I'm going to take a break from blogging for a while. I am staying at home now to take care of my newborn baby, and there just isn't enough time for me to keep up with this blog! I plan to continue blogging at some point, but I'll be taking a break for now. This … Continue reading Taking a break…

I’m excited to announce the release of my new book! The title of the book is Amazing Lives: The True Stories of Eight Famous Americans. It’s a graded reader for English language learners at the intermediate level (around B1 on the CEFR scale). The book is a collection of eight short biographies of famous Americans. … Continue reading Introducing My New Book, a Graded Reader for Students

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