- Alliance for Data Science Professionals

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data science (1579) alliance (635) accreditation (325) recognition (280) data engineer (80) professionalisation (3)

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We are defining the standards needed to ensure an ethical and well-governed approach so the public, organisations and governments can have confidence in how their data is used.

While the skills of data scientists are increasingly in demand, there is currently no professional framework for those working in the field. These new industry-wide standards, which will be finalised by the Autumn, look to address current issues, such as data breaches, the misuse of data in modelling and bias in artificial intelligence. They can give people confidence that their data is being used ethically, stored safely and analysed robustly.

Since convening, the Alliance has worked with volunteers and stakeholders to develop draft standards for individuals, standards for universities seeking accreditation of their courses and a certification process that will enable both individuals and education providers to gain recognition based on skills and knowledge within data science.

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