- Alien Makeout Simulator | Maximum Interstellar Sensuality

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Just in time for Valentine’s day, we’ve ported the original version of Alien Makeout Simulator for modern VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.  Anyone with one of those headsets and Steam (with SteamVR installed) can hop on over to our landing page on to get the latest version:

We’re happy to share this crazy early VR experience with the modern VR audience, and hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday night, Alien Makeout Simulator was shown on Comedy Central’s @midnight show.  It was highlighted during a game that had the contestents guessing which crazy Oculus Rift concept was ACTUALY real!  We’re big fans of Breaking Bad, so it was a real trip seeing BB’s Bob Odenkirk on the very same episode.