- Christchurch Truth

Description: An investigation of the Christchurch shootings hoax

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There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge. — Queen Elizabeth II A world where facts and evidence can be treated so casually is one in which organizations that want to conceal their activities or their true goals can flourish. — Michael Streeter in Behind Closed Doors This was precisely the role of the Right in Italy. It placed itself at the service of the State, which created a strategy . . . aptly called the "Strategy of Tension", insofar as they had to get people to accept

THIS article is the result of my inquiry into the "terrorist attacks" of March 15, 2019, in Christchurch , New Zealand . The page will be updated whenever new material comes to hand, or whenever old material is discounted. I will, however, retain most abandoned theories, as even misconceptions have something to tell us. As I said when I first addressed the issue of the "shootings", I am doing this because I do not trust the New Zealand Government to tell us the truth. The Government's prime aim is to contro

In the wake of Christchurch, whitey is the new bête noire — lower than even a cockroach. Needless to say, this is hate speech. It's also incitement. But it's acceptable in the emerging imperium, because it comes from the liberal Left.