- Aldeburgh's Amazing Swifts – Help save Aldeburgh's Amazing Swifts

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We started this project in May 2017 with the aim of helping to stop the decline in Swift numbers in Aldeburgh, Suffolk.

By appealing to residents and builders in the town, we want to raise awareness to the drop in the number of Swifts and give advice on how to halt the decline.  You can help by installing a nest box, leaving a hole under your roof tiles or by installing a Swift brick in any new build.  Ideally the boxes should be on a north facing wall, 5 metres high, with no trees or wires to hinder access.  Visit the swift conservation web site to find out more about providing a nest site for these remarkable birds   http:

Give us a call if you would like some advice on installing a nest box or if you are renewing your roof and would like to preserve an existing nest or encourage a new one.