- Albert Negura

Description: Albert Negura's Personal Space and Blog

blog (28744) artificial intelligence (3647) machine learning (3372) software engineer (1784) data science (1579) albert (261) negura (2) albert negura (1)

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I am a Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer, currently working in Software Lifecycle Management. I have previously worked in Computer Vision with a focus on Adversarial Machine Learning. I have two completed BSc. degrees, one in Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Bristol and another in Data Science and Knowledge Engineering at Maastricht University. I am currently undergoing postgraduate studies in Artificial Intelligence at Maastricht University.

Worked on a big data analytics platform. Developed solution for data anonymization and regression testing. Participated in Scrum and helped manage Azure setup.

Work focused primarily on machine learning / computer vision (automotive) solutions (including image classification, semantic/instance segmentation and object detection). I developed XAI solution for Computer Vision models, developed and integrated models built in PyTorch, Tensorflow and Keras, with ONNX model format support and different levels of model access for adversarial solutions. I researched and implemented adversarial machine learning algorithms and metrics with high-performance GPU and paralleliz