- Alan Ruthazer - UX | UI | Product Designer | Creative Director

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I’m a multidisciplinary designer with over twenty years of experience creating strategy, concepts and design for some of the most respected brands in the world. Over that time, I have helped grow revenue for dozens of Fortune 500 companies as well as startups while mentoring and providing leadership for numerous teams. My career began by helping to build one of Adweek’s Top 100 Interactive agencies. I later went on to found and build Lightning Jar, a digital creative agency. I'm currently UX lead at Huge .

In this episode Lightning Jar founder Alan Ruthazer takes a walk down memory lane. We hear the story of how Alan got started in digital design. We also discuss what has changed and what has stayed the same in his over 17+ years leading the company.

After sitting down as a guest on a recent podcast where I discussed how technology has evolved over my lifetime, I realized, in reflecting back, that much of my personal and professional career is marked with notable computer hardware milestones....