aknevermore.com - Science Fiction & Urban Fantasy with spice | AK Nevermore

Description: AK Nevermore | Science Fiction & Urban Fantasy with spice. Truly a writer's writer with a sly sense of humor

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The Dae Diaries One Night in Bliss is an Urban Fantasy short, based in the world of the Dae Diaries, and a prequel to Flame & Shadow. One Night In Bliss Don't let the name fool you... Envy Starr is a halfling with a bad attitude and a drinking problem. When her best—ok, only friend—asks her to play wing-woman at an exclusive club so he can meet the Fae of his dreams, things take a nosedive before they even get through the door. Handsy bouncers, society girls with a vendetta, and that freaking forty-somethin

Award-winning editor and author of The Language of Beasts. https://www.jonolivereditor.co.uk/

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