akana.net - www.akana.net -- The Akana Family Network

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Aloha ka kou; Michael Akana and Leayne Trubell will be spearheading the 2011 family reunion. Our family is large as you well know and spread around the world. Michael and I would like to extend to all of you this opportunity for us to come together and reconnect, and some of us, connect for the first time. More information will follow, but if you need to request vacation time, these are the dates July2 - July 3

**Ami Lee **Aiona Akana **Ai Keanini **Emma Machado **Esther Todd **Joseph (Kepa) Akana **Rose Sayres **Martha Smith **Rebecca Tim Sing **William Akana **Albert (Poha) Lam **Ah Lin Loo **Mary Kealoha  

We realize a trip to Hawaii for a several member family will take a little more financial planning which is why we are sending out the Save the Date announcement now. We need your KOKUA /help:

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