ajsummerschool.com - Antall József Summer School

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The Antall József Summer School is a one-week international educational programme focusing on the Visegrad Cooperation. This year the programme will be dedicated to the 30 th anniversary of the establishment of the cooperation and its relations towards the Western Balkan region. In addition, the programme facilitates and supports intercultural learning through different cultural programmes.

If you would like to spend a week learning more about current and future geopolitical challenges facing Central Europe and its wider neighbourhood, check out the application requirements and submit your application. Are you an MA or PhD student, or a young professional between the ages of 23-35? Are you keen to develop your knowledge about the V4 and the Western Balkan region? Get familiar with the application requirements and learn more about available scholarship opportunities.

Please read carefully the application requirements, then fill in the application form. Prepare your one-page long CV and think about your personal and professional motivations. While answering your questions, be as specific, as possible.