- Aitec - We innovate with you

Description: Aitec is a technological centre which most important aim is to get, promote and spread the technology, contributing for the industry development in their technological innovation processes.

transportation (3846) freight (1641) goods (884) adr (754) intermodal (213) iata (123) dangerous (93) icao (50) aitec center technology (1) unloading procedures (1)

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AITEC has recently launched the Toolkit4fairness Toolbox on the market in order to help companies improve gender equality plans. This Toolbox is useful for: Companies in the freight transport sector. Companies that provide public transport services, such as rail, metro or shared bike. Companies that design public transport infrastructures such as train stations, metro, buses, etc... Companies that design or manufacture autonomous vehicles. This Toolbox provides the most appropriate recommendations for: A sp